- Hosking Associates - https://www.hosking-associates.com -

Voting Made Easy!

Just two simple steps…

Hosking Associates Safety Ribbon [1] and Green Ribbon [2] Awards have been selected as 2016 finalists for top 50 products of 2015 – and just 15 seconds of your time can make a real difference!

Click on the links below which take you to a survey monkey poll. We only have a couple of weeks to show a small business can win awards too!

1.  [2]  VOTE HERE for GRA [3] and select the Green Ribbon Award!

2.  [1]  VOTE HERE for SRA [4] and select the Safety Ribbon Award

The clock is ticking, so reach for those Smart Phones, Kindles, Tablets, Desktop Computers, Laptops, etc.  and start spreading the word.  People can vote one time from each device you own  for both our Safety Ribbon and Green Ribbon nominations. Polls are open until 18th March 2016.

The Safety and Green Ribbon Awards are scored 1-day audits against legal compliance; those who score 85% or more then earn the award.

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please give us a ring at 020 3603 6466.  Thank you for your support!


SRA Staff (3) [5]